Finding out what’s underpinning a health problem sometimes requires more than clinical skill. That’s when biochemical tests can be very useful. The information they reveal can help us to address the critical factor(s) and therefore resolve health problems much faster and more efficiently.
In my practice, I use a variety of tests, all from reputable laboratories. Here is a selection of the most common:
• Female hormone panel (saliva test)
• Adrenal stress index (saliva test)
• Total thyroid screen (urine/ blood test)
• Digestive function (stool test)
• Parasitology and gut microbiology (stool test)
• Liver detoxification capacity (urine test)
• Hair mineral analysis (test using sample of hair)
• Homocysteine (blood test)
• Gluten intolerance (pin-prick blood sample)
I also practice kinesiology, which involves muscle-testing a client. This can help to identify a wide range of potential imbalances and then the most appropriate programme to follow to restore equilibrium. I have built up a large library of biomarkers I can use in the testing process – everything from hormones and liver enzymes to environmental toxins and common pathogens – and have found these to be a very useful and cost-effective way to screen a client where pinpointing the underlying cause is difficult, or time and money are an issue.
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Subtle Energy Healing is miraculous and Susannah is a skilled and intuitive practitioner. Not sure how it works but the results speak for themselves.
Clive, Portsmouth
Susannah’s teaching is clear, engaging and skilfully combines explaining detailed knowledge of the systems of the body, with a deep understanding of the esoteric.
Katherine, mental health mentor
"Those who think they have no time for healthy eating, will sooner or later have to find time for illness."
Edward Stanley (1826-1893), from The Conduct of Life
“I honestly thought this all this HeartMath and relaxation stuff was a load of fluffy rubbish, but it’s made an enormous difference to how I feel, function and look. I’m a true convert!”
Ron, Southampton
"Today, more than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise."
Mike Adams, investigative journalist and holistic health author
"The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition."
Thomas Edison, inventor
"Susannah Lawson is my favourite nutritional therapist."
Patrick Holford, founder of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition and Britain’s best-selling health author
“Susannah’s enthusiasm is infectious. She is a font of knowledge and so encouraging and helpful. Thanks to her expertise, my health is transformed.”
Laura B, Windsor
“Susannah, I cannot tell you how grateful I am. Katy’s eczema has plagued her since birth but it’s now completely cleared up and she’s a different child with so much more confidence.”
Michelle, Glasgow
"Optimum nutrition is the medicine of tomorrow."
Dr Linus Pauling, twice Nobel prize winner